the never-ending peach painting and four peaches on a striped background

Thirst is a cup with a hole in the bottom,

hunger's an inch out of reach,

stretch out your hand and caress the astonishing flesh

of the edible peach.

'a door through which all things must pass' #441 verse:17




Added some turquoise...not sure I like it.

peach painting cropped Aug 22.JPG

Took out the turquoise and added some more dark red.  This is better.  Still not finished.

Love is a garden of ripe ready peaches,

sweet is the flesh on the bone,

you follow along in the footsteps of sorrow,

but it's better than being alone.


'the devil sheds one golden tear for the end of the world' #480 verse:2


From a photo of some strange squashed peaches I got from the store.  The text is done in Lettraset, without the customary single word or words done in a larger text painted onto the canvas.

Oct 4 peaches close up.JPG

Close up.  I like it.